ProgramHers expanded to Girls Inc. of the Goleta in the Fall of 2019. So far, ProgramHers has taught two classes, one for 3rd-4th graders and one for 4th-5th graders. We've had so much fun creating skits, animations, and games on Scratch while also exploring possible STEM careers. ProgramHers became an official class at Girls Inc. after Alessa, a co-founder of ProgramHers, taught a mini coding lesson in the Boost Program and wanted to keep exploring STEM with the girls in the Girls Inc. community. As of Spring 2020, we will be incorporating educational robots into the class, allowing ProgramHers to teach more advanced coding and the basics of engineering. Students even get to assemble the robots themselves using Arduino circuit boards! ProgramHers is very thankful and appreciative of all the support from the Girls Inc. Staff. We love Girls Inc!